About Us

Hi there. 👋🏾
So you’re here, and you’re probably wondering what this place is. Let me be the first to welcome you to "Hamkke"; the number one online community for all Nigerians who are interested in the language, media, and culture of Korea.

If you are like me, you probably watched your first Korean drama a few years ago, and it blew your mind. Everything from the comedy, to the attractive actors, the endless number of moments, and the predictable yet unexpected plot twists, was extremely intriguing. And so you started to take an interest in the soundtracks, the cultural inferences, and the pop culture references among other things. Then you found yourself trying to understand Hallyu beyond the surface.

Or maybe you are just someone who is interested in the media and culture of Korea for the simple reason that it has become a major global force in entertainment. Either way, you have come to the right place. If you are Nigerian, this place is perfect for you because it caters specifically to your needs as a Nigerian Hallyu fan. For a lot of Nigerians or even Africans who are interested in Hallyu, it is almost as though you are giving a lot of attention to what should be a mere passing interest. At least, that’s how other people see it.

It’s not like you understand the language or anything. Pffft

However, I understand you and will not in any way belittle your love for K-Pop or K- Drama, or anything Hallyu that you love. Instead, I will validate that interest and help you feed it in every way possible. This way, we can have some fun and friendships while we learn about and experience Hallyu together, just like the name implies.

Welcome to “HAMKKE”!

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