profile T.Sapphire đź’™

T. sapphire is a writer who found her love for the Hallyu wave after watching the historical drama “Jumong.” She is mainly interested in Korean dramas and the history of Korea at large. Explore her pieces as she takes you on a journey through K-Drama recommendations and keeps you informed about the history of the Korean people.

Drama Recap || My Dearest Nemesis - Episode 4 - featured image

Drama Recap || My Dearest Nemesis - Episode 4

What does episode 4 have for us? Let’s get right into it.


Episode 4 starts with a flashback instead of picking up where Episode 3 left off. We see Ju Yeon as a kid, riding in a car with his parents. They're on their way to some animation event he's really excited about. His mom gives him this stuffed doll, which is actually the same one he was begging his grandma not to burn. But things take a tragic turn when the dad, who's driving, doesn't notice a truck coming but tries to save Ju Yeon by shielding him away from the hit while his mother also hugs him. It's a really sad and intense scene especially Ju Yeon is the only one who survives this accident. We then see how this event affects Ju Yeon's life. His grandma is super hostile towards him, blaming him for his parents' death. At the burial parlor, she tells him he doesn't have a right to cry, which is just heartbreaking. But what's interesting is that we also see the grandma crying alone in her room on the anniversary of her son's death. And Ju Yeon is shown crying in his room too, feeling guilty for surviving the accident. It's safe to say this flashback gives almost all the backstory we need about the relationship between Ju Yeon and his grandmother.

Ju Yeon approaches his grandma one day and makes a bold declaration: he'll replace his father. He believes that in order to prove this, he needs to work hard every day. This weighty responsibility makes him increasingly lonely, driving him to create a gaming cave - a sanctuary where he can escape and be alone. We see Ju Yeon setting up his gaming lair, with people delivering equipment and helping him get everything just right. It's clear that this space is his happy place, where he can temporarily forget his troubles. But the tranquility is short-lived, as we're suddenly transport back to the cliffhanger from episode 3: the moment the female lead walks into Ju Yeon's gaming room.

As soon as Su Jeong enters the room, her eyes widen in surprise at the gaming setup. Ju Yeon bursts in, asking her what she's doing there. She jokingly comments that it's nice to see him in his element, and that she's there to work. She adds that she didn't know he had such a cool room. Ju Yeon quickly panics and lies, saying that the room doesn't belong to him, but to his nephew, who's into that sort of thing. He asks her to leave, but Su Jeong insists on completing the task she came for, citing that she may not be as skilled as her father, but she's an expert in her own right. Just as she's about to start working, Ju Yeon suddenly shouts, telling her she can't touch the equipment because he waited a long time for it to arrive. Su Jeong gives him a confused look, and Ju Yeon quickly realizes his mistake. He tries to cover by mentioning his nephew again, but it's clear he's struggling to keep up the charade.

After a few minutes of nervously waiting, the equipment finally roars back to life. As Su Jeong hands Ju Yeon the remote, he immediately starts playing loud music, filling the room with blaring noises. Su Jeong is taken aback, asking if his neighbors won't report him for the noise. Ju Yeon smirks, saying he soundproofed the room. Although obviously suprised seeing this side of him Su Jeong teases that he must live a fun life, and for a moment, Ju Yeon's facade slips, and he looks like he's actually enjoying himself. But then Su Jeong suddenly shuts off the music intentionally, and Ju Yeon asks her why she did that. She brushes it off, saying it is a mistake. Ju Yeon turns the music back on, and before he knows it, he's completely carried away, dancing and rocking out to the song. It isn't until he catches Su Jeong's eye that he realizes what he's doing. There's an awkward exchange of looks between them as Ju Yeon quickly shuts off the music again, trying to regain his composure.

Ju Yeon is still trying to maintain the charade that his nephew owns all the gaming gear and collectibles in the room. Su Jeong, however, is determined to get to the truth. She starts touching various items in the room, and Ju Yeon quickly jumps in to defend them, spinning elaborate stories about how he acquired each one. However, Ju Yeon makes a critical mistake: he forgets to include his nephew in the stories (if you are going to lie, shouldn't you do it well?), speaking in the first person instead. This slip-up reveals the truth to Su Jeong, who believes that Ju Yeon is the owner of the collectibles. Su Jeong confronts Ju Yeon, pointing out that he's been talking about himself, not his nephew. The atmosphere in the room shifts and Ju Yeon becomes defensive, asking Su Jeong what difference it makes if he likes those things. Su Jeong's response makes things awkward between them: she says it makes a difference because she realized that he likes a lot of things that she didn't think he liked, implying that she's seen a more authentic side of him. The tension between them becomes palpable. As Su Jeong tries to create some distance between them, she trips on a cable and stumbles. Ju Yeon quickly catches her, and for a moment, they're locked in a charged gaze. But then they awkwardly disengage, the tension between them still simmering.

As Su Jeong prepares to leave, Ju Yeon approaches her to mention that he's already transferred the money to her father's account. After a brief exchange, Su Jeong takes the opportunity to ask if he really wants the dress back on Monday, but Ju Yeon brushes it off, saying she shouldn't worry about it. He then asks why she would sell a gift in the first place, which catches Su Jeong off guard. She asks if the dress is a gift, but Ju Yeon is unable to respond, realizing he's made another mistake. Just then, Su Jeong's phone rings and she receives news that her father has been hospitalized. She rushes to leave, but Ju Yeon offers to drive her to the hospital. Su Jeong refuses, saying she can go alone, but Ju Yeon casually mentions that she shouldn't rush or she'll get into an accident like him. Su Jeong doesn't seem to understand but follows him anyway. At the hospital, they wait outside the ICU. Later, the doctor and nurses arrive, and the doctor informs Su Jeong that her father's surgery went well, but he needs to be hospitalized for a while due to a sprained ankle. After thanking the doctor, a nurse approaches Su Jeong to mention that her father will be moved to the VIP ward. Su Jeong tries to correct the nurse, saying her father isn't a VIP, but Ju Yeon interrupts, emphasizing that he (Ju Yeon) is, in fact, a VVIP. He requests that the nurse show them to the VIP room.

In the VIP room, Su Jeong is seen nagging her father for overexerting himself, playfully teasing him. Ju Yeon interrupts, trying to explain that he only helped Su Jeong because she's a crucial team member. However, his explanation comes across as awkward and insincere. Su Jeong's father chimes in, jokingly saying it's his fault for raising a competent daughter. Ju Yeon asks to leave, and after a while, Su Jeong offers to see him off.

In the hospital corridor, Su Jeong is bubbly and grateful, thanking Ju Yeon for following her to the hospital. However, Ju Yeon's demeanor suddenly shifts, and he becomes hostile again (can't be the only one who's tired of the back and forth mood shift). Su Jeong notices the change and asks why he's looking at her that way. Ju Yeon comments that she's smiling a lot, which is unusual for her. He then tells her that they shouldn't overdo it, implying that she didn't need to see him off. With that, Ju Yeon walks off, leaving Su Jeong looking puzzled and concerned.

Su Jeong walks back to the corridor, devastated. We get a quick flashback of her childhood, where we see her reading a book by her sick mother's bedside at the hospital. This glimpse into her past adds depth to her character and explains her emotional vulnerability. Back in the present, Su Jeong sits down in the corridor, overcome with emotion, and starts crying. Unbeknownst to her, Ju Yeon hasn't left yet. He's still standing there, staring at her with a mix of surprise and concern. Just as Ju Yeon is processing the scene before him, his phone buzzes with a message from Su Jeong. She's thanking him for his help that day and telling him to get home safely. Ju Yeon's expression changes to one of puzzlement - he can't understand how Su Jeong could be crying one moment and sending him such a calm, collected message the next.

The scene cuts to the younger brother bursting into the hospital room, frantically shouting and making dramatic promises as if his father had passed away. However, when he realizes it's his sister under the hospital bed cover, his tone quickly shifts to anger. A playful banter ensues between the siblings, with the younger brother teasing his sister. He then notices the luxurious VIP room and asks if they won the lottery while he was away. Their father chimes in, explaining that Ju Yeon, the director, arranged for the VIP room. The younger brother's eyes widen, and he jokingly asks if Ju Yeon is dating his sister. His father denies it, and the siblings resume their playful banter. Ju Yeon texts Su Jeong, telling her that he left a package for his father at the reception and asks her to pick it up. As he's entering his home, he notices that Su Jeong left her toolbox behind.

The scene cuts to the office, where the team members are discussing Su Jeong's unexpected day off. They're surprised because she's never taken a day off since joining the team. Just then, someone from the legal department arrives, claiming ownership of the capsule toy that was found earlier. The team members tease the owner, but she is nonchalant about it. At the hospital, Su Jeong's younger brother arrives to visit their father. Despite Su Jeong's initial reluctance, her brother insists on staying with their father. Before leaving, Su Jeong receives a text from Ju Yeon, reminding her that she forgot her toolbox. She decides to use this opportunity to retrieve it. On her way out, she receives the package he left for her father, and it turns out to be a stuffed doll that looks the same as the one his parents gave him on the day of their death. This makes her remember their exchange about how cute stuffed dolls are on the night they went to a party together resulting in a smile (call it the smile of someone who's already in love)   Su Jeong meets Ju Yeon in the parking lot, where he returns her toolbox. He asks why she didn't claim damages for the car accident earlier, and Su Jeong reveals that she ripped up his business card in anger. Ju Yeon explains that he would have taken responsibility if she had claimed damages, but Su Jeong tells him not to worry. As Su Jeong gets into her car, it won't start. It seems like her car has broken down again. So Ju Yeon walks up to Su Jeong's car and asks if it's even working. They go back and forth, and he convinces her to take it to a car service center.

At the car service center, they chat while the car's being checked. Ju Yeon asks about Su Jeong's dad, and she says he just needs to rest. Ju Yeon mentions that maybe then she won't cry anymore, which makes Su Jeong wonder if he was spying on her. He admits to seeing her cry. Su Jeong explains that she wasn't crying because of her dad, but because of some old childhood memories that still hurt. Ju Yeon shares his own insight that time doesn't heal everything, and sometimes you need to find ways to get over stuff. He mentions games, music, and video games as examples. Su Jeong opens up about her own experience with video games, saying she used to be into it but got hurt. Just as Ju Yeon asks her what happened, some car service center guy interrupts. Su Jeong wonders what's up, and Ju Yeon explains that it's a miracle her car still works. He takes her to the workshop and shows her this fancy new car. Su Jeong rejects it, but Ju Yeon insists that she can just rent it under his name till her car is fixed. Su Jeong's super uncomfortable with that. Ju Yeon tells Su Jeong to take the car, saying she'll need it when her father is discharged. He's confident she'll like the car once she drives it. As Su Jeong drives the car back, she compliments its niceness and wonders why Ju Yeon, who seems so strict, would lend her such a fancy car.

The scene shifts to Shin Won, who's also an artist working on a canvas. He receives a message inviting him to an interview, but ignores it and checks Seo Ha Jin's Instagram story instead. Next, we see Ju Yeon and his secretary discussing something on a tablet. A child suddenly runs into Ju Yeon, causing the tablet to fall, and other kids rush in, trampling the tablet. The child's father apologizes and offers to compensate, but Ju Yeon brushes it off. His secretary asks if she should lend him her tablet, but Ju Yeon says the file is only saved on his computer system at the office. His secretary suggests calling the office to retrieve the file, but Ju Yeon quickly shouts "no" and claims he has the file on his phone instead. The scene cuts to Su Jeong, who's back at work. Her coworkers are curious about her sudden day off, which is unusual for her. Ju Yeon, desperate to keep his secret safe, calls Su Jeong and asks for her help. They have a comedic exchange where he tries to give her a password, but she misunderstands him. Eventually, she gets it and emails him the file he needs. Next, we see Ju Yeon meeting with the chairwoman, his grandmother. They're on their way to a meeting, and she checks some information on a tablet, giving him instructions. The scene shifts to Shin Won, who is at Seo Ha Jin's bar with a friend.

Shin Won's friend asks him why he broke up with his former girlfriend and why he's ignoring her messages. They have a back-and-forth conversation, with Shin Won trying to deflect the questions. The scene cuts to Su Jeong, who's visiting her father at the hospital. She can't help but laugh as she remembers Ju Yeon's awkward attempt to give her the password over the phone. We then see Shin Won saying goodbye to his friend. He goes back inside the spa and sees Seo Ha Jin dancing carefree to a song. When she finishes, he asks for her name and then asks her out. However, she gives him a firm "no", leaving him wondering why he even asked. Seo Ha Jin explains that she's not ready for a relationship, and it's not just because of her recent divorce. She also mentions that Shin Won seems like the type of person who's easily accepted by everyone, implying that she's not interested in someone who's too perfect.

Ju Yeon and Su Jeong are working together, and she teases him about his awkward password attempt the previous day. She offers him a chocolate drink, which he initially refuses, but then accepts when she says she'll cover for him. His expression after taking a sip is hilarious. Ju Yeon mentions that he's annoyed that Su Jeong keeps discovering his secrets, but then realizes it's not so bad having one person know them. This makes Su Jeong recall her conversation with Black Dragon, where she mentioned something similar when she was missing her mom. Seo Ha Jin runs into Ju Yeon on the road at night and recognizes him as Black Dragon. We then see a flashback of their meeting in 2014, where Ju Yeon apologizes for lying to her and explains that he couldn't reveal his true identity. He told her that he was going to the US to study and that if they ever met again, they shouldn't acknowledge knowing each other. Back in the present, Seo Ha Jin and Ju Yeon are sitting in a cafe, and Ju Yeon asks her why she chose to acknowledge him despite his previous instructions. At first, you will think the two are having a face to face conversation, but ultimately, it is revealed they are having a literal back-to-back conversation with hushed tones to avoid suspicion. After a brief conversation, Ju Yeon gets up to leave. As soon as Ju Yeon exits, Su Jeong enters, causing Seo Ha Jin to look confused and wonder if Su Jeong and Ju Yeon didn't meet. The scene shifts to Su Jeong and Seo Ha Jin on a dinner date, waiting in line at a restaurant.

They chat about Su Jeong's father's hospitalization and discussions on other things. They also randomly talk about Ju Yeon, and Su Jeong tries to redeem his image, which makes Ha Jin suspicious and asks her if she is interested in dating, to which she answers in the negative. Shin Won is shown having dinner with his family, and his parents casually ask about Ju Yeon. Suddenly, his father receives a package of flowers, and Shin Won comments on it. His father teases him, asking if he's jealous and telling him to settle down and stop being a heart breaker. The scene cuts to Shin Won scrolling through Seo Ha Jin's Instagram story, looking at her pictures and smiling to himself. Su Jeong is sitting at her desk, going through some papers, when she suddenly stands up, visibly angry. She storms off to confront someone about a work issue, but the person tells her to direct her anger at the director instead. Su Jeong then marches into the office corridor, where she runs into Ju Yeon. She confronts him about the issue, but he tells her that she can't challenge his authority, which only fuels her anger and leads to another heated exchange between them.

We move to a meeting where Ju Yeon asks if anyone has a complaint. Everyone was obviously scared of going against him. However, Su Jeong voices out her concerns about his choice, and just when I think tensions are rising again, he bursts the bubble: he is only testing them all to see how they work and perform, and obviously only Su Jeong passed. We see a scene where he looks for her, and when she expresses her displeasure in being tested, he asks her what he can do to make her feel better. We find ourselves at a game arcade. Although she is refusing to play games at first, she finds herself enjoying different games at the arcade minutes later.

While still playing the games, Ha Jin calls Su Jeong and asks her what she is up to. She tells her she is playing a game with her boss and also asks why she is calling. Ha Jin tells her he was inviting her for dinner and told her she can just come with her boss. On their way, Ju Yeon rants about his high standards and what not; then, he notices her loose shoe lace, which he offers to retie even though she refused; this gets them into a kiss worthy situation again, and just when they disengage from their close position. Ha Jin calls Su Jeong and tells her not to come because Black Dragon is around and that right there is the week's wrap.

I am still sure they will find a way to navigate this situation, and we won't be revealing black dragon's identity. The worst we will probably get is a one-sided knowledge, and that will be Ju Yeon alone knowing she is the one who rejected him years ago.

Can't wait to watch the next episode, but right now? Till then!
